Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Birthday, Supermodel!!!

Hello, everyone! Today is my birthday! I received sooooo much love from everyone today! My family, close friends, and my friends from online social networks! I appreciate it all! Thanks! 
I had a blast! But of course it wouldn't be me if everything didn't go dramatically wrong in a crazy way. I got stuck in traffic on the way to the mall. When I got to the mall, I got stuck on the elevator with like 7 other people. I'm saying maybe we should press the help button. They're saying maybe we should chill and give it a chance. Seriously? How long do you expect us to survive with this minimal oxygen? LOL. Yeah, they pressed it. We ended going to a crowded bowling alley that was full for the next couple of hours. So now, it's time for the backup plan of bowling on the Wii. So later lovelies. 

In case, you're wondering what I look like naturally today, here's a unedited pic of me. 
Supermodel Dominique on December 23 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Vote 4 Supermodel Dominique

Supermodel Dominique is a nominee for Slept on Model of the Year for the Southern Entertainment Awards. Please show your support and vote. One vote per email address. 

Scroll to LIFESTYLE section 
Select SUPERMODEL DOMINIQUE in the aforementioned category. 
Vote 4 Supermodel Dominique

Thanks in advance! 

Forward this blog and share this information! 

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Today is Thanksgiving Day 2010 and I would like to share with you for what I am thankful. Every year the most, important thing seems to be who cooked, but there is so much more to the holiday than that. Some people are blessed enough to spend quality time with their family while others are not. 

I am thankful for every good thing that has happened to me. 
I am thankful for the bad that made me want to do better.
I am thankful for my family and close friends.
I am thankful for all of my downfalls and pit stops as they made for wonderful entertaining stories.
I am thankful for my success and future success that will come my way. 
I am thankful just to be here to share these things with you.

That's just to name a few. I hope everyone has a safe, blessed holiday weekend! If you're going shopping the morning, DON'T FIGHT! The companies aren't fighting to produce enough products for you. Think about it. 

Signing Off, 
Supermodel Dominique

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Supermodel Series

Welcome back! Supermodel Dominique is here and I know that it has been a super long time since I've updated my blog, but I have endured a lot while being excessively busy and not having a super important topic to blog about, so this kind of got placed on the back burner. So now I am giving you a sneak peek into my latest photo shoot. I really think you're going to enjoy this one. It's not necessarily a new look for me but it is a little different from some of my most recent work. I call this The Supermodel Series. So check it out. For the full series, you need to check out my website:
 Photographer: MWP Studios
MUA/Hair/Styling: Supermodel Dominique

Thanks and I hope you enjoyed this lovelies! So leave me some feedback!

Supermodel Dominique

Model Alasia Ballard

This blog is about Alasia Ballard, aspiring model that appeared on America's Next Top Model. I read a comment about Ballard that I found quite disturbing and decided that I would blog about it. 

Below is the comment that I read and the first photo to follow is the one the man was referencing:

"Typical ghetto black gal from Atlanta. She says she’s from Marietta, but it’s the same as Atlanta. She has a fat belly, butt and thighs. And being from Georgia, she will get bigger due to all the fried food and sweet ice tea they consume. She can only be a funeral home model if that."

  I don't know what model he was looking at but I definitely see some a fashion model when I look at her and I believe that she can be whatever kind she wants to be if she applies herself. On second thought, maybe a funeral home should use the photo for their ad campaigns. It may generate some business.
Photos are copyright of respective owners.

You have shown out with,
Supermodel Dominique

Sunday, May 9, 2010

For Model Moms

Today is Mother's Day (and my mom's birthday) so it would only be right for me to do a dedication blog to the mothers today.

Dedication to my mom

I want to dedicate the first part to my mom because she's mine for one, but because she's always been supportive of what I wanted to do whether or not she knew how to help and when she could help she did. She was once a modeling mom herself back in the day. Happy Birthday and Happy Mother's Day!!!

Dedication to my sister

Happy Mother's Day!!! I'm sure you're going to do something that's going to make today extra fun and crazy!! LOL (waiting to see)

Everyone else

I want to send a special shout out to the modeling moms because it's definitely not an easy shift to keep especially when you are doing them both full time. When you are a mom of a model, you have a constant worry about the safety of your child and their success so again HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to model moms, moms of models, and hard-working, loving moms everywhere! This is your day!

Feel free to stop by and leave your shout out and dedications here!

Happy Mother's Day to me TOO! LOL
Supermodel Dominique

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Not Applicable

Good morning! I know it's very early, but I feel like this is a topic that I had to touch on. I've read so much about it in the past 24 hours and I can not visually see why people keep comparing these two things like they are the only two crimes that exist. I'm not sure how that would affect the world, but I can only imagine.

The topic of whether models should be models or not because of their choice to be accompanied by an escort always seem to spark a rival of traumatic emotions and begins a never ending battle between models and photographers. But lately, I've seen an extra spice included that seems to have no relevance (to me). Every argument seems to bring up: Why would you want an escort when statistics prove that more women are killed by boyfriends/husbands than a photographer?

Okay. Now I haven't done much of a search on comparing those topics (which I need to do) but are there seriously statistics based on those contrasting issues?

Most women think that they will not become victims of their significant other.
Most women would prefer not to be be victimized by a photographer.
Most photographers don't anticipate being victims of models.

Okay. Now that we know that information are we safer without an escort? No. There's no proof of that. That is a personal choice for whatever reason. Therefore, whether women are murdered more by tigers or snakes, how is that suppose to convince a model that she should travel into a jungle of diverse gorillas alone and assume that she's safer because her pet snake and feline were left home?

The two doesn't match! That's all I'm saying. I'm not on anyone's side about the escort issue. I just wanted to know how others feel about the comparison. Respectful thoughts, comments, and opinions are accepted.

Supermodel Dominique

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Model Mannequin

There's nothing like seeing a fake model. This model will appear to be human, but when you look good enough, you'll see plastic. This model will more than likely represent the stereotypes of a general model. This model will have accomplished something but nothing anywhere near what that model believes to have accomplished. But their attitude will definitely state otherwise. I'm sure you've all met one before, whether you've paid much attention to it or not. This model is a human mannequin.

I met one a couple of years ago at a meeting. During the discussion, this model appeared to have known everything about what was being said as if they wrote the book about it and commented on everything even when not directed their way. A couple of 'I told you so's later, this model got the spotlight they desperately wanted and got to show off their little notes. This was hilarious to me because looking around the room, I saw far more greater potential that just needed the right promotion to get seen and some who had actually accomplished more but this mannequin was highlighted as the go to person and everyone seemed to pay avid attention. That was probably because they believed the front that was being put on or underneath they honestly didn't care because they knew they were better. Either way, those models sat silently and took the negative comments like it was going to better them at the end of the day. I called them negative comments because of the way they were given. There's a difference between negative comments and constructive criticism (none of which I saw that night). But back on topic. At the conclusion of this meeting, all models scattered but the mannequin. This model took extra strolls just to be seen and you could see it in the body language and facial expressions. Plus this model would make an effort not to speak to the 'lower class' models that they would obviously be educating.

I later got the honor of meeting this model again at another event and I spoke as soon as I came in. Everyone spoke back but this model ( approximately 2 feet away). The mannequin turned away as if she had never seen me enter. So after I hugged the few people I did know I moved on and well over an hour passed when this model reaches out with this fake happy expression and says, " oh, hey, girl! I didn't know that was you. I didn't even recognize you at first. I thought that was you, but I wasn't sure. " I replied, "yeah, it's me," and turned back around.

Are you kidding? This room couldn't have been more than a 20x20 at the most. You were standing at the entrance 2 feet away when I arrived and you've walked right pass me several times. And even so, what did that have to do with speaking back? So you're admitting to only being polite on film? Really. I don't have time. I don't need to be bothered with people who don't want to be bothered with me. That'll only cause us to get on each other's nerves.

Months before either of those events, that same model came speaking to me very estatic about how she was a model and glad to be and I was thinking to myself who is this girl. Whatever. That's not important. So I spoke back and that was the last time she spoke to until "oh, hey, girl!" (Laughs) What was that all about?

Book Me For Your Show

Okay. I have yet another crazy story for you. This is about someone wanting to book me for a car show. I was all for that being that I had so much fun at the previous one. So I was like awesome. Just give me all the details and I'll get back to you. It was in a nearby city that was kind of close by but it would have taken me an hour to get there so I was expecting some sort of compensation. I figured it wouldn't be much but at least it would put gas back in the vehicle. Then the other half of me was saying that I'd really like to do it but I really doubt that there will be any pay involved. When I did get the information it was a copy and paste packet. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that but it was the complete opposite of detailing the model expectations and compensation (if any). It was information about how to submit to get in the car show and admission prices. Seriously? You're requesting me to come to you then I have to pay to attend. This wasn't a modeling gig at all. This was a flyer to attend the event. No problem! But don't sell it as a job when it's really not.

Will I/Did I attend? I very seriously doubt that. Catch up with me next time.

Smokin' Hot Model

Approximately two weeks ago, I get this crazy offer. I saw it coming too so I knew that the person would refer to it as a "modeling gig." I had no intentions of accepting it, but I figured it made a good story, so now I am posting it here for all of readers to see.

This man approached me on a social networking site asking me to blow cigar smoke in his face, preferably topless but not required and he'd pay me $500. It was really nothing more than assisting a man with a smoke fetish and taking financial advantage of him.

LOL. Yeah so I didn't reply. That's not the craziest story I've heard but it's close. So leave me your thoughts on it.

Supermodel Dominique

Paying For Promo

I'm not exactly sure how true this story is because it was told to me and I really don't have the inside scoop on it, but I found this to be very interesting and it shows the length some models are willing to go to get that extra attention or whatever you want to call it.

There was a concert/event that involved a major artist and there were a group of models that served as a promotional team. I saw a photo from this event and the models were not with the artist that they were promoting and didn't get the chance to get that close to the artist. But I was later told that not only were these models not paid to be a part of this event but they were required to pay to attend the event and purchase the matching outfits.

Now how much sense does that make? I have to drive (gas money) to you and when I get there I have to put on this sexy uniform (clock in) and promote (work) you and then I have to pay you to be a part of your event where I NEVER get the chance to meet you. Come on now. Let's rewind! That's doing waaaay too much. We spoke about things being worth the experience earlier but we didn't say be a fool and pay someone to work for them. We're not trying to run a brothel. My goodness!!!

What are your thoughts?

Let me know,
Supermodel Dominique

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

More Info Please

How many times have you inquired about a job and received all the information (if any) but what you asked for? (Seriously! Take a moment to think about that.) Okay. Now that that's out of the way, I have two stories I'd like to share with you on that topic.

Story 1: Fashion Show Conflict

I was contacted with the request to participate in a fashion show on a certain date. I had been waiting on a confirmation for a booking that same day but I would loved to participate in both and I didn't want to turn down one opportunity just because I was waiting for another. With the request being as vague as would you like to participate in a fashion show, I requested the details and when would be the latest I could confirm my appearance or not and the only information I received in return was the last day for me to confirm.

Okay, now seriously what about the other details like location, time, fitting (if one), etc. I guessed that meant nothing. Now I know that I am not the best model and I haven't even begun to accomplish anything close to what I intend, but when I ask questions I don't intend on them being blown off because I don't fit some sort of standard. When you are trying to produce a show or any other project and you are looking for people you need to be able to offer as much information as you have and if you don't have any additional information then state that or that the process is in finalization and you'll have more information later. So I waited a few days just to see if the person would reply with more information and he didn't. So I requested more information again asking for time and location. This time I only received the location, but not the time.

My question: What's the problem with giving all of the information? (Someone let me know. So at least I'll have a better understanding. I don't want to be left in the dark.)

Story 2: Magazine Shoot

There was this person that asked me to be in a magazine well over a year ago and I thought hey that will look good on my resume' so I asked about the details of the shoot. I was informed that a test shoot would take place in another state and IF they liked me then they'd call me back to be in the magazine. That was a nice little gig for a local model but a complete waste of time for me. I've never heard of the magazine and nothing on his social network mentioned anything about the title given to me and when I googled I found no results. I understand that it was a new magazine, but there was no buzz created for it and it really seemed not to make much sense to look for models for a starter magazine states away from where you are located when I am absolutely, positively sure that there are plenty of models looking for a chance to get published or some sort of exposure in the same area where he was located.

So I replied that I appreciated the offer but I was really too far away for that project. That's when he remembered oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that we pay for your hotel stay that night. Okay that's fine, but I still have to travel and still the fact that you were paying for the hotel is something that should have been mentioned in the original offer. How do you suddenly forget something like that? By then, I was already thinking okay, there not organized and I already told them i couldn't do it anyway so we're good. They'll find someone local and they'll get to enjoy this opportunity and maybe later if I'm already in that area, I'll get the chance to try it out, but now it's just not beneficial. I'll lose more than I gain.

Then at the end of 2009, I got a request from a photographer wishing to shoot me for a calendar and magazine and they inquired about my acting and dancing. I wasn't quite sure about what the acting or dancing had to do with the calendar or magazine, but I was listening and then it turned into being the same offer from above just from a different social site using a different name which wasn't hard to pick up on since they spelled swimsuit incorrectly (just like the time before) and offered the same test shoot but this time they hadn't forgot to mention the hotel pay. This still wasn't a good enough deal for me travel to another state. This was a good opportunity for someone local or nearby but for me it was a little too ridiculous. This is not to say that someone shouldn't take it, this is just my view. Then even after all that time had passed and now on two separate social sites there still had not been any updates or mentions of the magazine and it seemed like by now someone should have accepted and they should have at least had one issue available for preview if nothing else. That obviously wasn't the case.

So here we go again in March 2010, I get contacted about this magazine shoot again from the original social networking site with the same typos, same offer, and no progress of the magazine. So they ask about my acting and dance skills again. This time I ask where does that fit in and they tell me for music videos and commercials. Okay... In fact, let me show you one of the messages I sent prior to that:

I am great. Thanks for asking. How about yourself?
Also thanks for the compliments. I've done some of both in the past. (reference to acting/dancing)
Where does the acting and dancing come in?
Is this a print or on-line magazine?
Do you have any current issues or are you just starting?
Just seeking as much information as possible.

The reply I received was about wearing this swimming suit AGAIN, what days I could shoot, and an inquiry about my phone number and availability. It also included a link to a sample of work he'd done for a major publication (in which name I won't disclose but I'll refer to as TYPE A). So why didn't that answer any of my questions at all? Not one question I asked was answered. I did check out that link though and I let him know that my questions weren't answered and that's when the music video came into place and he referred to that link as an example of that work stating that his magazine was under TYPE B. Okay so why dies your link take me to TYPE A's website? Two rival magazines aren't about to combine. So which one is your mag under? Now that didn't make much since to me nor I believe it because the title he had given me was nowhere to be found on that site and that was simply a section on TYPE A's website where upcoming talent could be featured AND it even provided the information where you could submit yourself if interested.

Now here's where I get to the part about I'm not saying other people shouldn't do it. I'm still not directly saying that you shouldn't do it. Now I'm just not encouraging anyone to do it because his story is so all over the place, I'm not sure how he believed himself.

Earlier today, I saw that they posted a general casting looking for models for the magazine, model of the week features, commercials, and video shoots. Almost half of the girls the were interested requested more information and only about one percent of people that viewed the casting actually responded. So maybe they have a new approach now.

Lesson learned: Provide as much information as possible and don't try to be shady. There's nothing wrong with keeping certain information private until you've chosen the specific person you want but share the necessary information to keep a good rapport and insure trust from individuals you wish to work with.

Until next time,
Supermodel Dominique

All Work and No Pay

This blog will be about... Well, really it's just an interesting topic and I can't really decide what the main point is since there are so many pieces involved, but I do hope that you enjoy it and share your thoughts about the situation. The title is interesting so what do you think this will be about?

There's a casting looking for runway quality models for an upcoming fashion show. The submission process was pretty simple. It asked for a little information about the models such as contact information, measurements, etc. But it did not request photos which was kind of strange.
So I submitted the requested information and included a link to some photos in case they changed their minds or got crazy and thought they requested photos and I just didn't submit properly.

Later, I received a response stating the photos weren't good enough to be submitted for an audition. I needed a different headshot with my head turned the way they wanted and more photos that showed my figure along with more photos that showed me from head to toe.

Originally, I looked at the email and knew exactly what photos to send that would showcase the quality that this company was seeking. Then, in less than 60 seconds, I realized a laundry list of things that were wrong with this whole situation.

  • The casting did NOT ask for photos. So how could there have been a protocol for what photos could and would suffice?
  • Audition? The casting said nothing about an actual audition. So now I have to submit a certain type of photo just to be consideration for an audition? Not the actual show. The audition.
  • What do you mean the photos don't clearly show my figure? There's a photo in my port with my stomach out against a white background. Are you blind? (laughing at myself)
  • Basically, you just don't like the close-up image of my face because there's no way it was hiding in the shadows. How much more of it do you want to see?
  • You need a full length photo as well. (Understandable. I'm re-arranging my portfolio currently so they have been taken down.) But you're good if you're going to determine my height through the photo. I've seen several models that are tall (only on paper).
  • The photos weren't good enough to send in. Where are you sending them. You mentioned nothing about sending them anywhere.
  • Wait, really! You're asking me to basically re-submit in totality. Come in for an audition (if I am chosen) to see if I get chosen. Oh, gee! Great! I'm so glad to do all of this for a non-paying gig. Umm...
Why was all of that information left out of the casting?
If there are going to be auditions, why so many specifics about the photos? It's not like you're saving the models anytime since they are coming in for a chance to get sent home anyway. This is what this story sounds like to me:

A man walks up to another and notices he has run out of gas. The man just happens to have a full gas can in the back of his truck. He gets out to give the man a hand.

"Hey, I have some gas I can spare. It's not much, but it'll last you a couple of miles."
"Thanks, man. But is it 93? I never put cheap gas in my car. This gas came from BP, right? I don't mess with nothing cheap. You got the receipt to prove where you got your gas? As a matter of fact, how about you take me to the BP by my house. It's about 30 minutes away and I'll get the gas myself and bring it back. You ain't doing nothing no way. Oh yeah and I don't give tips either, so don't expect one."

Now I know that was a little over the top (laughing), but I wanted you to see what I saw and I felt like I had to paint a picture there. Don't get me wrong. I'm not upset. I understand that companies want what they want, but that all falls into my theory of providing accurate information. In this case specifically, maybe a proofread and a little more detail could have helped this. Leaving out info and throwing in behind the scenes auditions doesn't make the casting anymore special or exclusive. In fact, it could make the offer shady. Though I don't get that vibe here. I'm also not being lazy. I work hard. Well actually, I work smart when it comes to something I need to get done because I want to make a good impression, not just a memorable one. But, in my opinion when you aren't paying someone, you don't ask the, to build the bridge and walk across like you've created some convenience store for both parties. This doesn't mean don't do your best if you aren't getting paid either. This was just my funny take on how someone had a whole list of requirements for something that offered and not asked for.

So did I re-submit? Hmm...

As for me? I need to step my game up. So who wants to work with me?

Supermodel Dominique

Supermodel Dominique's Website

I have my personal website up and running now. I finally finished it and got it where I want it (at least for now). You can contact me and book me through my site. I also have some new exclusively images for website only photos that are COMING SOON. So go on over and see what's new in Supermodeldom.

When you check it out, don't forget to join as a fan.

Go on and refer a friend,
Supermodel Dominique

Support Supermodel Dominique & Vote

Hey. I just wanted to give you a few more updates about myself and where I am at this point. So here it goes.

I am a 2010 Knocdown Awards Model of the Year nominee. This is my first nomination and I am actually excited that I've made it this far, but as always there is more to be conquered so I'd like to take home the title. So I do need the support of all family, fans, and friends because this is based on votes and I need your votes. If you'd like to support me and vote visit and vote. You'll see my name in the Model of the Year (aspiring) dropdown box. I know it's spelled wrong but it is indeed me.


Last Thursday on April 29, 2010, there was a Meet & Greet Party for the nominees of the show. I attended and several others as well. It was a great experience and a very nice nice gathering. I got to meet several people and overall it was a really nice, drama free event. I do have photos from the event on my website:

Photos are from:
MWP Studios
D. E. Studios
Nia Ray Photography

So definitely go and check them out. We had a blast. You can also check out photos at

Also check out the photos from the DUB Show Tour 2010 with the previously posted link as well. I was a promotional model for XBOX360 so you'll get to see me work.

It's that time again for Southern Entertainment Awards nominations. I am looking to get nominated for that award show as well. So please help me out and nominate me for the following:

Model of the Year
Impact Model of the Year
Next Top Model

Type in SUPERMODEL DOMINIQUE next to all of those in the LIFESTYLE categories and submit @


That is all for now and I appreciate your time. So stop by again.

Supermodel Dominique

For The Professionals

Hello, readers. It's been a while I know, but I've been working on plenty of other projects so I'll have plenty of updates for you. Some will be oldies but goodies, but you may enjoy and/or learn from them.

This blog is connected to a blog that was posted almost a year ago, Leave Your Contact Info. After that incident, I posted a note on that social networking site so that people wouldn't be confused when contacting me or so that I wouldn't be confused and it would save a lot of time. (Note posted below)

Professionals: This is strictly directed towards professionals and those who claim to be!!! Please do NOT send vague emails requesting information from me without stating why. If you are inquiring about working with me, trust that it is as simple as saying so. Don't ask for my email address, phone number, or any of my contact information just because. Thank you!!! smile

I didn't find that to be rude or anything of that nature. Most people expect information upon contact anyway unless you are simply greeting and moving forward. But it obviously pissed someone off as if I cared. Now this guy ( he's labeled himself) from Puerto Rico takes time to find me, stumble across, or whatever you want to call it and actually READ my about me section and I guess upset himself. So he copies and pastes the above mentioned note and sends it to me in a message followed by the following:

How in the world does an amateur model with amateur photos holding a gun have the nerve to say something like this on their bio? Are you serious darling?


I'm like wow. Out of all of my bio that's the part that angers you. I mean seriously did you have intent on asking for my number with no real purpose. So the best thing you can think to do is criticize my opinion about handing out my phone number. Whether he thinks I'm amateur not had nothing to do with it so he sounded idiotic for even bringing that up especially since I hadn't mentioned anything about the quality of someone's work before they contacted me. Generally being a model had nothing to do with it. Was I serious? I wrote it didn't I?

My response:
As serious as a heart attack darling! If you don't like it, that's fine. No one asked for your opinion. It's as simple as read and move on to someone you don't feel is so amateur. Have a nice life and keep your disrespectful thoughts for someone else.

His final response:
OKAY smile

Now that that's out of the way, what did he want me to say or do? Take it down? Undo my photo? He obviously went through my port looking for a photo that he didn't or wouldn't like because that photo definitely wasn't the first photo. But it does have 25 great comments on it from people who enjoyed the photo (see above). So, of course, I checked out his portfolio containing 4 photos and that only had one comment on one of the photos.

Oh how I wish I could as professional and loved as he!

Yeah right,
Supermodel Dominique

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Submission Process

This blog is about companies that post castings looking for models for upcoming projects and they give you a certain guideline for what they are looking for and a model completely disregards all of that. Want an example? Here's one.

ABC Company is seeking talented models for a fashion shoot for ad. Models will be compensated with $30/hr and a free pair of shoes from the designer. If you are interested in this shoot, please submit name, age, location, photos, and any relevant experience to Someone will contact you if interested.

A model reads the casting and is interested in the casting and simply replies, "Interested" or "I'm interested. You can get all the information you requested from

I'm almost sure that the director or whoever reads the replies is thinking:
  • This model is incompetent.
  • New to the industry
  • Doesn't know much about the career they are pursuing
  • Not a good candidate
  • And most importantly: Doesn't follow directions
Do you really want a potential client looking at you like that?
The truth is: I believe that most models really don't care and they think if that client wants them they'll choose them anyway. That is really not a smart move because you could have been that model that they wanted BUT by not following directions they decided against you.

I've seen this from both ends of the spectrum. I've seen models do this and as I have worked behind the scenes at castings, I've seen submissions received that sent to the director to another site. The purpose of the casting director asking you to submit the required information is because they don't have time to go on a scavenger hunt. If they wanted to do that, they would have requested your url. Don't make their jobs more difficult. It lessens your chances of future consideration. And we all know that repeat customers are your best customers.

Good luck and I hope this was some kind of a good tip for you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave it in the comment box.

Much success,
Supermodel Dominique