Monday, May 18, 2009

Adult Industry Profession

Men have been coming with these classic ways to persuade women to get into porn for years, but what they didn't prepare for was how to get the women that know the language and terminology of the business. They just assume that all women are dummies and they can thrown money in your face and you'll jump like a seal to get it. NO!

I can pretty much sense when a guy is going to talk about anything dealing with the adult industry.So I am pretty much prepared to shut anyone down that needs to be. I have a deeper thought on this subject in which I will post in a latter blog, but I want to focus on this one guy in particular.

It started when he messaged me asking me was I a model. I replied yes, do you? He said no, I am a model developer. ( First, that's NOT a real job title. Most models develop themselves and people that assist with helping them get where they are, don't refer to themselves as model developers. They are agents or assistants or directors. Something that has pay to it. Listen to what they tell you first before you get excited because that's how they prey on you: through your enthusiasm and LACK OF KNOWLEDGE.) So I asked, what does this job entail. His response was that he looks after guyz/galz who were interested in becoming models. (Now what? Please. So we know it's coming...the bogus job offer. That was the set up. Models don't need anyone to look after them solely because they have an interest. They need someone to find a job for them...maybe. That's called a manager or an agent. If they need someone to look after them, they'll bring someone they already KNOW personally along with them. That's called an escort. Again, pay attention to what is being said novices.)

So this is the point where I saved him a lie by asking if he worked for a company or was he freelance. Most people will tell you that they work for a company but they will never tell you the name of the company and you'll get caught up and forget to ask. So be mindful of your situation AT ALL TIMES. He said that he was freelance. He must've known that I'd ask about the company. Next, if he's not working for a company how does plan to get you into the field of YOUR interest. They usually can't and they try to get you into porn, so they can pimp you out and they make all of the money while you sleep with half of the country while the other half watches. Umm no! I don't think so!!!

So he asked was I interested in any new projects and of course I said yes even knowing that he had nothing of interest ro me, but I knew that I would have an opportunity to shut him down which was good enough for me. Lol. Then he asked my breast size. why only ask about my breast size. If you are inquiring about a real job and you need physical information you request measurements, not the size of something tantalizing to your eyes. Please! I responded what kind of new projects to do you have open and I'm going to tell you up front that I am not interested in anything that anything to do with the adult industry. Then this damn fool showed out and showed that his lack of knowledge was below the people that he was trying to swindle when he asked well what about porn. I was like that's a part of the adult industry... a MAJOR part. He is a dummie. I tell you. People are more stupid than they appear.Then he lol and says, "porn meaning as my definition group sex." I don't give a damn about your meaning. Did I not just say I didn't want to do it. Now you're telling me it's a group thing. I like to refer to that as an orgy and that is still porn and you are still uneducated. So I said whatever it is, I'm not doing it. He said why not. I said I got a better idea. How about you let me pimp you out and I'll make all the money. He asked how.I said the same way you're planning to do me. He laughed. So then I asked how much money do you make vs. what the porn participators make. He didn't respond for OVER twenty minutes until he came back to say that he makes $60,000 annually and paused another five minutes before telling me that they make about $15,000-$20,000 annually.

In case you haven't checked you job titles lately people, let me help you with some figures here. A dancer/choreographer (not stripper. I mean a professional dancer) makes that. Security guards working at minimum wage makes that and those are unarmed guards. Guess how many people that had to screw to those jobs.... Have you thought about it? Good! Because what he just said is that you're going to be making minimum wage and having unprotected sex with with GROUPS of people for the world to see. Oh and if you're inquiring about how many porns he's been in that figures rounds up to 0. He's just the guy that gets to watch the finish product while jacking off and referring to himself as a "model developer". In fact, you haven't modeled anything. I'll give it to him though. He is a model jackass. Now you know that he's not doing anything but making money off of you if you were foolish enough to fall for it. Of course, that's after reading this. If you don't know then you just don't know. So please try to educate yourself as much as possible.

Conclusion: He left after this. I guess he didn't want to switch roles with me. That's too bad. I would have loved to be a model developer. Lol!

Showing out in the monologue with,
Supermodel Dominique

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